Anna Escala
Mother tongue Catalan/Spanish
Favorite language Catalan/Spanish/German
Birthplace Barcelona [Catalonia/Spain]
Place of residence Stuttgart [Germany]
Jobs and passions Singing and teaching singing, in choirs and individually, music, film, theater, dance, hiking, gastronomy and wine, health and travel
The job you would have done, if not this one Cultural management or health management
Your favorite word Paz (peace)
Your favorite sound "Un Velero llamado libertad" [Jose Luis Perales]
The perfect moment Spending time with nice people, interesting conversations full of humor and smiles on your face, listening to live music.
A book recommendation The Name of the Rose [Umberto Eco]
The piece of music that will make you smile The duet "Pronta io son" by Norina and Dottore from the opera "Don Pasquale" by G. Donizetti